Today's blog post topic is something I'm really excited to talk about: CHANGE.
It's a word that can be scary sometimes, but in my experience it always leads to growth. That doesn't mean that change is easy, but the best things in life never, ever are.
Y'all know me well enough by now that you know I'm passionate about fashion and style reflecting who you are. Clothes, shoes, hair color, nail color - these are all opportunities to express your individuality! Ever since the first time my mom let me get highlights at 15, I've been addicted to changing my hair. I've never been the kind of person that sticks to one thing. It's too much fun to try new things! My fashion style too is definitely a direct reflection of that.
As I got older, switching up my hair style was based on the change of seasons, or even just a change in my mood! Other times it's been the result of a breakup (I went platinum blonde after the last one), or a career change.....a place of just desperately needing to feel like I can get myself out of whatever rut I've fallen into. It's really amazing what the thrill of a new look, and the confidence boost it can give you can do for you soul.
I also like to think of my hair changes as bookmarks for different chapters of my life. We should never stay the same. We should never stay in one place. As humans, we were created to evolve and change - to keep being better! Beautiful things happen when we do.
So this is me, encouraging you to dye that hair - Do something that scares you - Move to that new city - Tell that guy or girl that you love them - And if you need a change.....MAKE a change!
All of those hair changes I just told you about? Here's an overview of just the last few years!
special thanks to Herbal Essences for sponsoring this post, and providing me with a platform to share from my heart with you guys! Check out this video for more inspiration and encouragement about CHANGES xx

Brandi Cyrus is a DJ and fashion influencer with a passion for travel and a love for animals.